The Case For Affirmative Action and DEI

In a world still grappling with deep-rooted disparities, the US Supreme Court’s decision to strike down diversity policies in higher education raises concerns over future of DEI in employment.

By Grishma Jashapara, Managing Partner at Fusion Associates.

The U.S. Supreme Court's recent ruling dismantling affirmative action in higher education is now trickling into the workplace. In preparation for an all-out assault on DEI, thirteen Republican AGs are cautioning CEOs of the 100 biggest US companies on the legal consequences of using race as a factor in hiring and employment practices.

At Fusion Associates our clients have increasingly required us to present a diverse Shortlist of candidates as an integral part of the mandate. As difficult as this often is in industries that are predominantly white and male, we support the policy and firmly believe it is the right thing to do.

Critics of affirmative action say it is reverse discrimination, suggesting that individuals from historically privileged groups are unfairly disadvantaged. However, this overlooks the fundamental purpose of affirmative action which is to uncover hidden talents that may otherwise be overlooked in traditional assessment processes.

Imagine a senior marketing executive position becomes available at a major consumer goods company. Instead of solely relying on candidates with a traditional corporate marketing background, the company adopts affirmative action principles to widen its search. They discover a candidate who has made a significant impact through marketing initiatives targeted at underserved communities or through the use of social media platforms to engage with diverse audiences. Despite not having a conventional corporate background, this candidate brings valuable perspectives, cultural competency, and a track record of success in connecting with specific demographics. Through affirmative action, the company recognizes the potential in this individual and brings their unique talents to the senior marketing team.

It is important to understand that affirmative action is not about discriminating against individuals from historically privileged backgrounds. It is about recognising that the person that has had access to the best education, more doors open to them, and sailed through job interviews and promotions because of employers' unconscious bias, is not necessarily "the smartest person in the room".

About Fusion Associates

Since 1998, Fusion Associates has been placing experienced professionals across the globe within consumer markets including consumer goods, fashion, sporting goods, healthy living and luxury.

Environmental, humanitarian, social and political concerns are close to the Partners both in and out of the business. We pride ourselves in partnering with industry leaders who wish to contribute to a better, more sustainable future. Working with global companies that are at the forefront of innovating and integrating sustainability into the heart of their business, we have helped build purpose-led teams from leadership to subject experts in biodiversity and animal welfare.